Earlier this year we started asking for feedback on certain products… nothing too invasive but the what and why sorta questions. When we reviewed the results we saw a trend emerging… “less is more."
The emerging low does THC products are performing well, and not just the buzz of trying them. Low dose beverages have become one of the highest reorder categories in cannabis. Yup, people are buying more because they contain less, who’d have thought. Here are a handful of the reasons we got back from you guys.

Social drinking without the hangover:
Low dose beverages and edibles provide the consumer with the tailored benefits and social acceptance cannabis has been missing. Being able to sip two or three chilled beverages with a house guest (or a relaxing backyard refresher with the kids in the mix) has many upsides. For one, no one is watching you consume - or at least they don’t know you are ;) and that has been a big win for many segments who have turned to cannabis as a social release over alcohol.
I’ll have another:
When consumers want to have a relaxing dose of THC they can consume one can, if they want to be a little more social and maybe crack a few jokes, they have a second. Need to be the life of the party? Hell, add a third and a fourth… This flexibility in plain sight is attracting a lot of new cannabis consumers. Notice your mom or grandma being a little wittier lately?!

Options, Options, Options:
Producers of these products like Cann and House of Saka are beverage companies that helped pioneer this low dose market, have seen such great success that they have produced more and more flavors, sizes and variations of the product that when people buy they buy more and when they buy more they share, and sharing drives more buyers and more buyers spend more and the cycle continues. The truth is - we like the trend and see the ability to bring in new users to the benefit of cannabis is a good thing. Sure, these users may still shy away from the power flower we veterans love, but they are helping make cannabis more socially acceptable.
Now that we are a leading competitor to both of these, let us lead you in the right direction. Try our Tonics (: